Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Sarah . . .

Sometimes, when she has this one expression on her face, Sarah reminds me of Aunt Donna. Picture Aunt Donna when she was laughing at a story she was telling . . . That's what I see sometimes in my baby and, even though she didn't get to meet any of my children, it makes me feel like she's looking in on us from time to time! Thanks, Aunt Donna.


Anonymous said...

Aunt Donna is looking down on you. One of the last things she did was look a pictures of all of our grand babies. She was proud to be their great aunt.

Thanks for seeing her in Sarah.

Love Mommy

The Davison Family said...

It is amazing and sad, in a way, how we tend to think of those we love frequently only after we have lost them. I, too, think of Aunt Donna often. I get a chill when I pray for her, as if she is with me, letting me know she is safe.

The lesson I think I have learned is that we only live on this earth for a short period of time. We never know when God may decide our time is over. It is up to each of us to make the most of our lives, to live without regrets. Then, when God calls, we will be ready and willing, no matter where we are in our lives.

Try to live your life as the best Christian you can be. God knows that we are not perfect, nor does He expect us to be. Yet, striving for that perfection should be the goal of each of us. Never be content with mediocrity. There is always something more we can do to improve the life we live.
