Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My Life . . .

It seems that certain aspects of my life bother certain members of my family. Maybe even all of you and only one of you is willing to say something, albeit in a round about way . . . I thought of writing a post in anger at first, then I thought to defend myself, or maybe just explain things. But instead, I realized that it doesn't matter what I say. And it doesn't matter what other people say. "Others" do not live here, they don't know me or my family very well, or the circumstances that lead us to do the things we do. Therefore, their judgments are, or should be, meaningless.

It's hard to know that someone thinks poorly of you, especially when that someone is a member of your family. And you can't help but wonder if others are thinking similar things. But if members of my household and I are comfortable with the goings on around here, than everyone else will just have to deal.


Jennie C. said...

What the heck are you talking about?

Beckie Russell said...

It seems that Sandie has read the comment Jennie posted on BornFool. Yes, since you put a link to the "Princess of Alla Boutme" on your own blog, it seemed inevitable that Sandie would end up reading that post and the comments that went with it. I thought to defend her at first, as well, but how and where? Jennie seems to think that Sandie has an "all about me" attitude, but obviously, Jennie does not know Sandie very well.

I wonder if Jennie meant for Sandie to find that comment. . .

Jennie C. said...

OOOOHHHHHH! Well, that isn't what I meant at all! Sandie has had a lot handed to her, and she has been, and still is, quite a bit coddled and sheltered, which isn't her fault. But it is annoying and frustrating for the less coddled to watch.

Honestly, I'd forgotten about that comment when I posted the link, and MY post was about someone else. The princess has a catchy name, and I was just giving credit where credit is due.

I have nothing against Sandie, and I don't think she is selfish, only babied.

My apologies for having offended.

The Davison Family said...

Do we not all pass judgements on others, whether justified or not? Whatever anyone else may say, it is not their place to judge your life, nor is it mine, though I too am guilty of this. Please accept my apology on any negative thoughts I may have voiced to others.

Know that it is not what I or any other think that is of importance, but what God thinks in the end. Whether you believe or not, everyone will ultimately be judged. Live your life to the best of your ability, being sure to help those less fortunate than yourself, and you will do just fine.

Remember, it is not what we have or don't have that matters. It is the love we give to ourselves and those around us, especially our families.

I seem to be on a sort of "religious" kick here, don't I? I don't know why. I suppose it is because I am feeling particularly blessed lately, and this is my little way of thanking God for all he has provided me and my family with lately. Hope you are all equally blessed.

Love to you all.