Monday, March 20, 2006

Sleep Problems Revisited

I know I really shouldn't have complained about last night. We have had much worse nights than last night. I also know that we are very lucky to have our children sleep as much as they do. It's just that for about three or four months (from about their fourth month) the twins slept for 11 or 12 hours at night with no problem. I could actually put them to bed and count on an uninterrupted evening/night! Then, all of a sudden, it seemed, they stopped making it all through the night. Maybe, looking at the timeline more closely, it has to do with their teeth. They did stop sleeping through the night about the time they would have been seriously working on breaking that first tooth through. At any rate, the reason doesn't matter. Babies will be babies and right now, I've got three beautiful ones who need me and their daddy to love them and comfort them, even at two in the morning.

Thank you, Jennie, for reminding me that they are just babies. I really shouldn't expect so much of people so small!

1 comment:

Beckie Russell said...

You're allowed to complain; what would motherhood be if you couldn't complain to someone? I have been particularly tired myself, since Angie is not sleeping well lately. . .or at least she is sleeping less well than she has been. . .I didn't really want to imply that she's ever slept well. Anyway, I love you and hope that the situation eases. It's hard to get up for the tiny one, I'm sure, too.