Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I'm sure there isn't a parent out there who hasn't watched their baby and wondered what the heck they were thinking about. I think it is doubly interesting with the twins because sometimes I think they are actually thinking about the same thing. But how do they think about things? Have they learned to understand enough words that they can use some of them in their thoughts even though they can't say those words? Do they think in pictures?

And what is it that they find so funny?

Sometimes they just catch each others eye across the room and burst out in peals of laughter. I really wish they would let me in on the joke, but I find that I laugh anyway. How can you not join in when there is such pure joy in your home?

So many questions with so few answers . . . So sad that when they are old enough to tell me how they thought or what was funny . . . they won't really remember . . .


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is the sheer joy of being that they find so interesting and funny.

The girls are a constant source of delight and wonder.

Just enjoy it as I know you do.

Love Mommy

Jennie C. said...

I read once that we don't really have any memories before age three, not because they aren't there, but because we can't access them. When babies are small, their world is entirely sensory, and their memories are based on those senses. By age three, they are very verbal, and that is how they are storing memories, and we never go back to that sensory state. If we could, we should be able to remember being born, and even life in the womb! Pretty interesting.