Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Learning to walk

No . . . I don't mean the babies, although they are working really hard at it . . . I mean me . . .

There's a saying that goes something like If you want to learn to run, you have to crawl first. Since moving out of my parents house and in with Sam, my life has turned into one big long drawn out learning experience (and isn't that they way life should be?). I've been learning how to make a house, which ever one we happen to be in, feel like a home, how to make the finances actually work, we've found a job for Sam that he is happy with and can feel successful at, our family is rapidly growing and we've learned how to be decent parents, though I guess we still have LOTS to learn there . . . lots of different things.

And finally, as we draw to the end of the year, I'm starting to feel like I might be ready for my first steps! We've been crawling for a long time, it seems.

Maybe 2006 will be a year for walking, and who knows . . . maybe in 2007 we'll be flying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If those baby's start flying, I'm bringing a camera and calling the Star! ;)

Auntie Niki