Friday, October 28, 2005

Dinner Party

Well, lots of people are coming over tomorrow . . . I wanted to have a little get together with everyone before all the holiday rushing starts. Seeing everyone at the holidays is never quite as nice as you'd like. It's all so rushed. Just as you start getting into a neat conversation you realize it's time to go! So . . . before all the rush, we are having my parents, Sam's parents and our local siblings over for a nice easy relaxed dinner. (Non local siblings are invited too, if you can make it! lol!)

I've been enjoying preparing for it all week, although the babies being sick kinda slowed me down a bit . . .but that's the nice thing about preparing in advance . . . there's plenty of time to allow for little derailments like that!

Well, I gotta go feed my chillins!

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