Wednesday, November 02, 2005


It's interesting to me how one persons comment or partial thought can lead to such misunderstanding and misinterpretation. I suppose mostly I'm referring to the replies to many of the posts Jennie puts up that are more than mere reports of her day. Each of us is so unwilling to step outside our comfortable little bubbles and look at someone elses experiences as worthy and appropriate. I don't consider myself to be excessively open minded. . . I know that I am often set in my opinions, but I am willing to listen to others and try to see it through their eyes.

I know Jennie's recent posts might be a little confusing and I'm sure you're all thinking . . . . Oh, no, what is she leading up to? Just trust that she has something to say that might be worth thinking about. Some of you are getting ready to debate whatever she has to say, even though you have no idea where it's all leading, but try to think about it for a few minutes instead of just reacting. That goes for what all of us say on our blogs. This is a place to let your thoughts go. I haven't been so good at that . . . I usually just report what's been happening in my house . . . but I think part of the reason I do that is because of the reactions Jennie gets for being open with us.

She's right . . . if you want to get to know someone, even just a little, you have to be willing to hear (or read) what they are thinking about. You need to let people feel that they CAN tell you what they are thinking. Although, now that I'm really thinking about it, I don't think rash judgments sway Jennie's willingness to speak her mind. But it does show how small minded we can all be.

I love you all. I'm looking forward to seeing what Jennie has in mind!


Beckie Russell said...

I guess something that we should keep in mind when posting is to make sure that it's not just a partial thought we're sharing, or if we do share a partial thought, to make sure that we are open minded about the responses to it and how the partial thought may have triggered such a response. I think all of us are very opinionated, but willing to listen. That doesn't mean that we'll change our minds, but we won't condemn out of hand either.

Anonymous said...

In answering or replying to anyone's blog are we not letting you see ourselves as well as learning about the other person?

I enjoy Jennie's and and all the other blogs. I am learning about all of my beautiful daughters and the person they have become.

While I don't always agree and sometimes find that my opinons are sometimes unfounded it is a learning experience for me.

Sometimes I even change my mind.

I love you all.


Jennie C. said...

My, but didn't your blog get more interesting!

Love you, Sandie. Be not afraid!

Anonymous said...

Awww - Happy Aunt Niki

Anonymous said...

WOW!! That SO posted to the wrong one! I was commenting on the pictures, not the conversation! Sorry! I plead the sleepy for posting it on this one. 10 lashes with a wet noodle for me later!